Tuesday, September 6, 2011

And so it begins

I'm sitting here, waiting for class in 29 minutes, with a friend whose name I do not know, and revisiting in my mind everything that's gone on of late. Needless to say, it's been an emotional rollercoaster, and due largely to this, I think a few people are more than a little confused as to what actually IS happening in my life. If any one actually cares.

To start, I must explain my apparent hermitism (is that even a word?). I'm not one to really open up my heart during emotionally stressing situations, and that apparently bugs some people. I'M NOT DOING IT TO HURT YOU. Eventually, I will get around to talking about it, or them, or him, or whatever the case may be, but sometimes, life gets ahead of me, and comes to a head before I can do anything about it. Like this whole boyfriend situation. Honestly, it took me by surprise as much as anyone else, I'm sure. Can you say "lost cause"? I certainly thought it was, so please, take that to heart and think about whether you'd be up for talking about an apparent fail. Which, happily, turned out NOT to be a fail. I let everyone know as soon as things changed, so don't think I've been holding onto this forever. I really have no reason to (all you HAers should know this better than anyone!).

I'm just going to be honest here for a minute, and ask if anyone really CARES about what goes on in another person's life? Why do you sit there and get angry with someone for not sharing, when all along, you've been shaking in your boots wondering how you'd be able to HANDLE something as big or complicated as your friend's life has been of late? I mean really, how many of you can fully understand what's happening to them, much less be able to BE there for them? If you can't handle it, can't be there for them when they need, then don't ask how they're doing, and DON'T get angry with them because they picked up on it before you did. Consider their heart over your pride, and I'm not talking just about me.

I'd also like to ask why you ASK for advice and then don't listen to it? It's like asking for food and then not eating it... There's really no point. What makes even less sense is getting angry when they give you their honest opinion or advice. I mean really? Don't get me wrong, there are times I get upset when someone just opens their mouth without thinking it through and spouting off some random crap, but that's not what I'm talking about. If someone takes the time to listen, think through what you've presented them, and then encouragingly attempts to articulate their thoughts for you (which takes a certain amount of vulnerability), the LEAST you could do is take it in stride an realize they have the best in mind for you! It's like when a kid takes forever coloring a picture for you, and then presents it, you don't freak out because it's not up to par with a Van Gogh, or a Picasso; you smile, thank them, maybe hug them, and hang it up on your fridge. Why can't you do that with your friend's advice?

And yes, this is a semi-rant, because I'm actually frustrated with this and want people to understand that this behavior is no longer being tolerated by the author of the blog, myself. There are so many things in life that go on, and must be dealt with, and these are a few things I don't have time or inclination to go over with people anymore.

So recap: if you can't handle the possible answer, don't ask. If you really don't care, don't ask. And if you do ask, be ready to take whatever the answer is. Capiche?

Now, be blessed, and have a wonderful day :)


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